
A blog about fun things in life A blog about music in life A blog about GUITAR in life A blog about lonely rocker in life A blog about friendship in life A blog about jokes in life .....................................

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A New Song



通通擦掉 不留痕迹

我一厢情愿 今日事 今日毕
没有留下 蛛丝马迹

我不愿意 抱着回忆 直到某日 感叹过去
我要争气 跌倒爬起

那条小巷 那个路口 那天下雨
我不在记起 连梦里都没有你
那种味道 那个空间 那样的距离
已埋进心底 沉睡了不再苏醒

那张卡片 那首情歌 甜言蜜语
它俏俏离去 我不要留在原地
那些亲吻 所有拥抱 还有你
闭上眼睛 好好休息

Friday, June 02, 2006

My New Toy !

Ok, nothing much to post lately, because i am having a paper on the coming monday as well as thursday, hence there is a need in DISTRACTION whenever you need to concentrate !

My latest addition to use up my forever clustered 8 socket multiadaptor . *normally in malaysia you are familiar with the 4 socket extension rite ? I finished up my 8 socket with an addition of a 4 socket, dont ask me why !!

Very Familiar typical 4 socket extension ~

How can a simple typical student used up both of these ?? I swear i am not operating a cocaine factory in my teeny-weeny room !!

TA- DA ...................................... I welcome you

My XDA MINI S ~~~~

Ok, boys with their toys ~~ But dont worry, I have grown up, haha, i would not pay to buy such EXUBERANT gadgets nowadays *sinfully because i already have most nonsense lying around i admit*

Being a good and loyal customer *arming with a small knowledge to bargain and treaten to leave O2*, they have decided to give me a FANTABULOUS contract with this phone free, so why would i not take it then ?? =)

They know how to keep customers ! Next time maybe i should ask them to throw me a PERFECTLY BALANCED ROAST DUCK too =)

Why not do phone deals like this ?

*disclaimer: please note that the poster wasnt nicely done due to lack of time during exam periods *

I am pretty sure it would attract my two friends at LENGMOU !!!

As well as TOCKIE
