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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's 2007


I have actually never really celebrated Valentine's with anyone yet, so Jean was the first lucky girl to do so with me *hahaha*
Due to the SURPRISE element that I wanted to give her, we had to wake up so early in the morning, *all I told her was that we were going to a posh restaurant somewhere FAR*

just as I expected, she only realised we were heading to PARIS when we needed to check for our passports !!!!!

Here I am in GARD DE NORD

Here is Jean due to lack of sleep in the morning !

Because I hadn't plan the trip in Paris apart from GETTING THERE, we had to rely on our very good navigator "myself", and our well spoken English. First thing we head for was the LOURVE, die die also must see the Mona Lisa, getting ourselves accustomed to the French Metro system , I must say that now I love London sooooooo much, the tube is sooo easy compared to the METRO.

their METRO

When we got out of the station LOURVE-RIVOLI, we were greeted by RAIN and had no idea where we should head..... then we saw this nice building.......

this was actually the BACKSIDE of the lourve =p

first photo we took together *hence ulgy*

Making Our way through the puzzle of buildings after we realised we have gotten to the Lourve !! Got excited and took tons of photo

So we queued and got in and realised today was FREE ADMITTANCE to the MUSEE, hurray, and then below are some pictures from the Egyptian Gallery.

me and Ramseys II
Jean and Coffin


then we saw the Mona Lisa and alot of other very OLD stuff that we dont know what is it .....

We head of to our next destination .........

After that we headed back to Gard du Nord because it was already 6pm, our train leaves at 8.45pm.... on the way back we stopped by the famous NOTRE DAME
We then proceed back to the station and quickly have takeaways and randomly walked around....

The whole trip was short but packed with adventurous bits, we didnt had proper meals and was drenched in rain !! But I am sure both of us will never forget this trip =p




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